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Knee pain may be due to chronic conditions such as arthritis and tendinitis, or due to an injury. Whether you have been experiencing knee pain, or you want to prevent knee pain from occurring or becoming worse, be proactive and set a plan in motion. If you are concerned about the condition of your knees, keep the following Dos and Don’ts in mind.

1. DO Control Your Weight

It is important to maintain a healthy weight in order to protect your knees and prevent problems. Being overweight can place excessive stress on your joints and on your knees. When stress is placed on your knees, you may be at risk for developing osteoarthritis. Keep in mind that if you are several pounds overweight, several pounds of stress will be placed on your knees with each step you take.

If you are overweight, set a plan in motion to lose the weight you need. You should follow a sensible weight loss plan which includes diet and exercise, however do so under a doctor’s approval and supervision.

2. DON’T Wear High Heels or Shoes With Little Support

Wearing high heels can place much stress on your joints and knees. A high heeled shoe causes the individual to place their weight forward, placing force on the knees. Wearing a high heeled shoe can wear down the cartilage in the knees. Over time, the wear and tear may result in chronic pain and damage.

In addition, be sure the shoes you wear on a daily basis provide adequate support. It is especially important to wear supportive shoes if you stand or walk for long periods of time throughout the day.

3. DO Warm Up Before Exercising

before you begin a workout or perform duties that require you to work your knees, it is important to warm up. Doing so may help you prevent injury or strain on your knees. You might warm up with gentle knee stretches or even walking. Using an exercise bike may also help warm up cold muscles in your knees, or consider stair climbing as a warm up for your knees as well.

4. DON’T Overuse Your Knees When You Have Symptoms

If you have experienced a strain or injury to your knee, or if your arthritis has been acting up, resting the area is important. Stop any activity that places more stress and strain on your knees.

Using ice on the affected area may help reduce swelling and pain. Wrap some ice in a washcloth or towel and place it on your sore knee for about 10-20 minutes at a time. Do the ice treatments for a few times throughout the day. As you gradually ease back into your daily routine, you might want to use a knee brace for a while to prevent strain on your knees.

5. DO Ask Your Doctor About Taking Joint Supplements

Taking joint supplements may be a good option if you suffer from chronic knee pain. Consider supplements such as glucosamine and omega-3. Glucosamine helps protect your joints so you may experience more mobility over time. Omega-3 supplements are said to reduce inflammation. When your joints are inflamed, pain and stiffness may occur. Omega-3 is found in fish oil supplements, so it’s a good idea to look into this option if you have knee pain and stiffness.

Consider other supplements and natural remedies that reduce inflammation. Green tea is another option, as it also contains anti-inflammatory properties.

If all else fails, your knee pain may require further treatment or possibly surgery if an injury is serious. Schedule an appointment with an orthopedic specialist who is trained to diagnose and treat conditions affecting joints, bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons.