Orthopedic Links
The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
Offers a wide variety of patient education information
OrthoSport Rehab
402-691-0400 Patient resources, including orthopedic information.
Sponsored by the Metro Omaha Medical Society, provides updated medical and physician information for the metropolitan Omaha area.
Alegent Health
Medical new and patient education materials.
Arthritis Foundation
A good detailed resource on arthritis topics including many non-surgical options of treatment. Support groups and message boards.
American Association of Orthopedic Surgeons
This site is the home base of many orthopedic surgeons. It also includes a well organized list of information for the patient on the symptoms, diagnosis, and current treatment regimens for common orthopedic problems.
Interactive Orthopedic Patient Education
An excellent patient education resource about a variety of orthopedic topics. Excellent links and graphics with descriptions of many orthopedic conditions and their treatment options.
Scoliosis Research Society
Excellent informational website on the diagnosis and treatment of scoliosis prepared for parents and adolescents with scoliosis. Online newsletter.